We hope our crusade becomes yours to find items that bring happiness and joy. (tear) Sincerely, Bob Brooks a.k.a. Baron Bob Gift Crusader
Napoleon Dynamite Talking Keychain
Antworks Futuristic Ant Farm
Beer-o-Matic Vending Machine
Nice Underwear Doormat
Get Off the Phone Excuse Machine, BS Blaster and Fart Buster
Boss Toss Catapult
Ex-Boyfriend Bop Bag
Rabbit and Cat Swinging Tail Clocks
Coughing Ashtray
Chicken Cow and Sheep Cuckoo Clocks
Texas Hold 'Em Shoot 'Em Up Cards
Ketchup, Orange Juice, Milk Retro Motion Lamps
Radio Control (R/C) Land & Sea Sports Craft
Smart Trackerz
Radio Control (R/C) Diving Mini Submarine
Electric Motorized Skateboard
Backwards Clock
Bonesaw Shrunken Chopper
Pooping Rabbit & Pig Candy Dispensers
Pedestrian Turn Signals
Simone The Animated Cat Clock
Giant Fish Pillows
My Name is... Glass Set
Pregnant Keychain
Sip 'n Swirl
Butt Face Towel
Breezy Singers
Pyramat Entertainment System
Odd Pod Cactus Garden
Inflatable Deer Head
Zero Blaster
Squealing Pigskin Football
Mr. Wonderful
Mr. T In Your Pocket Keychain Sheep and Cow Cuckoo Clocks
Once Bitten Cookie Cutter
Smoking Elephant
Slammer Drinking Game
Fortune Kitty Clock
Lightning Reaction Game
Top Of Page
BIG LIST continued
Mixed Up Clock
President Bush Jack In The Box
Sperm Coin Bank
Joe Sports Fan
Over The Hill Birthday Cake
Bad Ass and Bitchy Bears
Octodog Frankfurter Converter
Toxic Teddies (Bipolar Bear, Smackie Bear) A Christmas Story Gifts
Pull My Finger Gascar
Boner The Humping Hound
Fishing Reel Toilet Paper Holder
Wiggling Hula Guy
Tickle Me Foot
Executive Shooting Gallery
Tractor Trailer Tin
Ceramic Smoking Baby
Freud Finger Puppet
Ping Pong Tin
Rolling Coaster
Sarcastic Soap Sets Oy Vey // Stud // Bitch White Trash // Obsessive Compulsive
Baron Bob's Bookcase
Great Martial Arts Movies
Ruby's Trailer Trash Cookbook
Fighting Robots
and other great titles!!
Antenna Girl
Wind Up Sushi Set
ACM Auto Card Manager
Pull My Finger President Bush Doll
Themed Chess Sets
Pig Catapult
CEO, Sister Discipline & Ref Bop Bags
Talking Rodney Dangerfield Doll
Albino Bowler Action Figure
Jesus Action Figure
LeftRover Doggy Bag
Gourmet Linda's Lollies
Mini Refrigerators
Beer Pong Game
Pocket Bike Miniature Motorcycle
Shotz Shotglass Basketball
Executive Punching Bag
Beer Belt
Sweetheart Rubber Duckies
Dancing And Singing Hamsters
Hearts And Kisses Spa Set
Sweet Talk Magic Ball
Relationship Ball Keychain
Passion Pen
Wedding Voodoo Doll
Gemmy Singing Animatronics (Dean Martin) (Louie Armstrong) (Bing Crosby) (James Brown) (Rocky Balboa)
Musical White House Cookie Jar
Massaging Soapy Soles Foot Cleaner
Digital Projection Alarm Clock
Greatest Golf Ball Gags (including the Exploding Golf Ball)
Genuine Four Leaf Clover Jewelry
Airzooka Gun
Window Vases
Flashing Willie Doll
Java Jim Color Changing Mug
Rubber Dead Duck
Savvy Bachelor Mop Slippers
Hula Girl Duster
Dressed Hangers
Talking Potty Pig
Gopher Putting Pal
Dancing Ostrich
Passion Throw Romance Game
Sammy The Singing Birthday Cake
Grilled Chicken T-Shirt (chicken stuck in a truck's front grill)
SpongeBob Aquarium and Aqua Figures
Deep Sheep T-Shirt in a real milk carton (two cows sitting in field with sheep everywhere)
Feng Shui Collectible Ornaments (good luck cats imported from Japan)
Medieval Knight Lights tm (nights lights)
Mouse Rugs (miniature area rug mouse pads)
Little Whizzer Liquor Dispenser
Galileo Thermometers Imported From Germany
Digger Farting Dog
Artsy-Fartsy Funny Pillow Collection (Michelangelo Pillow plays I want to hold your hand) (Giggling Mona Lisa Pillow) (Light Up Starry Night Pillow) (Screaming Scream Pillow) (Freud Pillow plays Memories)
Splat Pig
Bouncing Boob Doll action figure
Brainy Beanies Collection (Einstein | Gandhi | Freud | Buddha) (Van Gogh w/ detachable ear) (Bach | Mozart | Beethoven | each with music box)
Biker Chick Doll
Hand-Crafted Limited Edition Ceramic Dogs (Including Poopsie, Twinkle & Oz's Toto)
Madame Zelda's Crystal Ball
Shrunken Heads
Psycho Shark Keyring
Hindi Bendy
Sumo Wrestler Squeezie
Peeping Gargoyle
Sigmund Freud Action Figure
Wind Up Fish out of Water
Finger Hooks
Sticky Eyes
Glow Sheep
Fishing Lure Mailbox
Squeak Laptop Buddha
Barista Action Figure
Devil Clock
Cocktail Squids
Angel Snot
Wheel of Intoxication Game
The ingenious Lollypop Lick-O-Meter
Light Up Scrolling Message Mug
Stoned Cats (hand painted stones)
Sun Cabana portable and sets up in a toss
Giant Martini Glass
Money Machine (alternative to money in card)
Sponge Bob Stuff (plush, bubble blower, soak n splash & more!!)
CD Holder Wallpaper
Radio Controlled Rat
Bell X-1...1st Sound Barrier Breaking Plane (Collectible model signed by pilot Yeager!)
Rubber Devil Duck
World's Nastiest Talking Bear
Pet Portrait Rock
Smoking Donkey
Dancing Birthday Cake
Flying Pig and Flying Cow Set
World's Largest Underpants
Caddyshack Gopher in a Golf Bag
Old Century Wooden Baseball Game
Monk Water Fountain
Giant Tea Cup and Saucer
Wooden Push Button Toys
Harvey Magila (dances to Hava Nagila)
James Brown Singing Doll
BONER The Humpin' Hound
Rub 'a' Dub Dice
Dancing & Singing Hamster
Bathtub Love Hi-Jinx Game
Kung Fu Hamster
Salt Lamp
Neon Mad Dog, Flamingo, Shark
Gummy Handcuffs & Whip
Scenic Window Paintings
Dancing Gopher
Comedy Cd's - That might just start the revolution against telemarketers!
Snow Machines
Ultimate Head Trip Massager
Flamingo Lamp
Chocolate Erotica
Animal Eyeglass Holders
Flamingo Light Bulb
Pull My Finger Fred
Personal Refrigerator
Giant Hand Chair
Gas Powered Blender
Bar Stool Racer
Armadillo Handbag
Cowboy Boot Pizza Cutter
Cocktail Swinging Clock
Truck Nutz
Ultra Hip Cocktail Shaker
Bar Globe
Sushi Candy
Flying Wonders - Kites
Alice in Wonderland Chess Set
Wedding Time Capsule
Interactive Light Show
Soap Fish
Musical Candle
Chocolate Body Paint Kit
Scream Inflatables
Fart CD
Trout and Lobster Pillow
Fish Head Can Coolers
Pink Caddy Fins
Projection Alarm Clock
Cow Bungi Squeezie Stress Reliever
Magic Mug - Road Kill Cafe
Techno Celebration Glass
Pink Flamingoes
Potato Gun
Wiggling Hula Girl
Moose Poop Candy Dispenser
Animal Golf Club Covers
Toy Hand Grenade
Rabbi Punching Puppet
Utterly Cool Cow Pottee
Kinetic Flashlight
Love Magic Mug
Surreal Time Clock
Flutter Fetti
Chocolate Body Paint
Brain Gelatin Mold
Glow in the Dark Space Mucus
Miniature Garden
Think Tank
Wind - Up Nunzilla
Instant Virtuoso self--playing violin
Chair Caddies (golf, soccer, tennis, football, cigar)
Pen Radio
Butterfly Kite
The Hug
Strip Tees
Kitchen Sliced Slugs (gag gift)
Hand Chair
Vudu Tu U (voodoo doll)
Wind-Up Alien Egg
Glow in the Dark Stars
Golf Putting Pal
Small Deluxe Cockroaches
Referee Bop Bag
Donut Cologne
Dog Buddha
The Instant Product (pellet turns into sponge toy)
Official Major League Baseball Checkers
Cat Buddha
Scream Inflatable
Tequila Lolly w/ real worm--Hot Licks--Cricket Lickit
Handcrafted Ostrich Egg Lamps
All rights reserved 1998-2005 Divisions Of Visions / BaronBob.com / WonderfullyWacky.com