Potato Gun Mayhem - A crisis at WonderfullyWacky.com, the Internet's premiere gallery of wacky gifts took place late Friday night.
A shelf full of Alien Garden Gnomes came crashing down and
bopped the Gift Guru on the head. He quickly turned evil and ran
around WonderfullyWacky.com's warehouse shooting the employees with the Potato Gun. Baron Joe explains, "I was shot up pretty bad
and I'm still peeling potato pellets off my face. (see picture to the right) Owner, Bob Brooks had this prepared statement, "The Potato Gun should be banned, I have decided to purchase at great expense the world's supply of Potato Guns, I plea that anyone who buys this vegetarian's weapon not to use it, but to take it to the nearest landfill and bury it!!"
How it works: Operation is simple, punch the barrel into a potato
and break off the pellet with a downward motion. Then aim and shoot.
Shoots up to 50 feet. Get your Potato Gun today for only $2.95