We hope our crusade becomes yours to find items that bring happiness and joy. (tear) Sincerely, Bob Brooks a.k.a. Baron Bob Gift Crusader
Nice Underwear Doormat $13.95
Miss Army Knife $19.95
Lightning Reaction Game $34.95
Daiquiri Whacker $254.95
Sammy The Singing Birthday Cake $17.95
Thumb Wrestling Ring $7.95
USA MADE Pocket Bikes
Butt Face Towel $17.95
Rolling Coaster $12.95
Simone Animated Cat Clock $29.95
Stress Chest $10.95
Beer Belt $19.95
Chicken / Sheep / Cow Cuckoo Clocks $59.95 ea.
Antenna Stripper Girl & Other Antenna Toppers $6.95
Boner The Humping Hound $24.95
President Bush Jack In The Box $24.95
Digger Farting Dog $29.95
World's Nastiest Talking Teddy Bear $29.95
Octodog $15.95
Pyramat Surround Sound System $149.95
All rights reserved 1998-2005 Divisions Of Visions / BaronBob.com / WonderfullyWacky.com