We hope our crusade becomes yours to find items that bring happiness and joy. (tear) Sincerely, Bob Brooks a.k.a. Baron Bob Gift Crusader
Simone The Animated Cat Clock $29.95
BONER The Humpin Hound $24.95
LeftRover Doggy Bag $14.95
Digger Farting Dog $29.95
Dog Stars on TV $1.95
Stoned Cats $8.95
Feng Shui Good Luck Ornaments $9.95
Dog Buddha $14.95
Pet Portrait Rock $49.95
Hand Crafted Limited Edition Ceramic Dogs $34.95 - $324.95
Good Fortune Kitty Clock $24.95
Cat Buddha $14.95
All rights reserved 1998-2005 Divisions Of Visions / BaronBob.com / WonderfullyWacky.com