We hope our crusade becomes yours to find items that bring happiness and joy. (tear) Sincerely, Bob Brooks a.k.a. Baron Bob Gift Crusader
Hula Girl Duster Cleaning has never been so much fun!! The gorgeous 11" tall hula girl is made of hard plastic and has a shimmering, soft "grass" skirt for dusting. Her hands are raised above her head so you can hang her on a hook or a peg. Yours for only $5.95
----- Select Type Of Gift Wrap ----- 1. Smiley's - Hula Girl Duster 2. Holiday Polar Bears - Hula Girl Duster 3. Snowflakes - Hula Girl Duster 4. Happy Birthday - Hula Girl Duster 5. Hearts - Hula Girl Duster
Related Items:
Nodding Chihuahua
Wiggling Hula Girl
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