In the day and age of plastics, electronics and batteries these little toy wooden wonders are simply cool. Strung together with line all that is needed is a push of the button (located underneath the base) and they will fall about like a marionette whose strings that have been cut. Let go of the button and they will spring back. Very amusing, very stress relieving, very addicting as your on the phone not really listening!!

(Imagine now you can be in the office and have yourself a cock fight!!)
These Push Button Toys are sold in a super set and include the following:
- Pirate
- Fisherman
- Hula Girl
- Nutcracker
- Hippie
- Chickens
Sizes Vary: Approx. 4" to 5" Tall
I don't want to push your button, however this is a steal of deal!!
#6 Wooden Push Button Toys for only $15.95