Absurd Bird
What can I type but Bizarre, Bizarre, Bizarre!!
The Absurd Bird is actually a taxidermied, real chickens foot!!
Take notice of the gesture. A bird giving the bird, how ironic.
The Absurd Bird with Wood Base stands approx. 6" tall.
Keep the Absurd Bird for yourself.
- Mount the Absurd Bird on the dashboard of your car. Smile politely as you show the Bird to other deserving drivers.
- Display the Absurd Bird prominently as a conversation starter.
Give the Absurd Bird to someone else.
- The Absurd Bird makes a lasting impression on anyone.
- You undoubtedly want to give the Absurd Bird to your boss.
- Some coworkers should get the Absurd Bird.
- Your ex-wife / girlfriend / boyfriend / husband probably deserves the Absurd Bird.
- Your lawyer could use several Absurd Birds.
- Sports fans -- win or lose, giving the Absurd Bird is appropriate.
- Giving the Absurd Bird is the ultimate way of saying "thanks" for a job well done.

Give everyone you know the Bird! Only $8.95!
Get it Wrapped for Only $3.50 ea.